Ravendawn Online: Guide to Equipment and Builds

Ravendawn Feb-19-2024

Ravendawn Online has taken the gaming world by storm, captivating players with its immersive gameplay and intricate character customization. In this guide, we'll delve deep into the realm of equipment and builds, exploring the nuances of different sets and providing insights into creating a formidable character.

The Essence of Sets: Balance vs. Attack

One of the most common queries in the Ravendawn Online community revolves around the best equipment sets to use. It's essential to understand that there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. The game offers diverse paths, and your choice should align with your preferred playstyle. In this article, we'll explore two main paths: the balanced approach and the offensive approach.

The Balanced Set:

The balanced set, as the name suggests, aims to strike a harmony between defense and offense. At the beginning of your Ravendawn journey, facing both physical and magical enemies, a balanced set can provide versatility. This set comprises a combination of Plate and Cloth (or Leather) armor sets, offering a mix of Maximum Health, Healing Received, and Physical Defense bonuses.

The rationale behind a balanced set is to cater to various scenarios. You equip a set like this as your fixed gear, always accompanying you like a reliable companion. The goal is to maintain equilibrium, distributing attribute points evenly between Vitality and Wisdom, the primary attributes for witches.

The Attack Set:

On the flip side, the attack set leans heavily towards offense. This set focuses on maximizing your damage output while sacrificing some defensive aspects. For this set, you prioritize Intelligence as the main attribute, enhancing your spell power and weapon power.

Whether you choose Plate, Cloth, or Leather for your attack set depends on your personal preference and the type of enemies you anticipate facing. If you're dealing with magical foes, you may lean towards Cloth for additional magical defense.

Understanding Set Bonuses:

Before we delve deeper into attributes, let's briefly review the set bonuses associated with each armor type:

1. Plate Set: Provides a percentage increase in Maximum Health, Healing Received, and Physical Defense.

2. Cloth Set: Enhances Attack Speed, Casting Time, and Global Cooldown reduction.

3. Leather Set: Grants a Critical Chance percentage and reduces Stun and Slow effects.

A Dive into Attributes:

To truly grasp the intricacies of your character's potential, understanding attributes is paramount. For a balanced set, focus on Vitality and Wisdom, while the attack set demands a concentration on Intelligence.

Balancing these attributes ensures your character can effectively withstand various attacks while dealing significant damage. As mentioned in previous article, reaching a balance in intelligence, vitality, and wisdom is crucial for optimal performance.

Weapons and Base Attack:

Choosing the right weapon is pivotal in Ravendawn Online. The Base Attack attribute influences both weapon power and spell power. When evaluating weapons, prioritize those that align with your primary attribute – Intelligence. Additionally, consider the Tier of the weapon, as higher Tiers offer more substantial bonuses.

Accessories and Final Touches:

Accessories play a crucial role in fine-tuning your character. Consider accessories that boost your defenses, such as necklaces that enhance all defense types. Balance this with accessories that bolster your primary attribute – Intelligence in the case of witches.

Practical Application: Balanced vs. Attack Sets

Let's put the theories into practice with real-time gameplay scenarios. The player demonstrates the effectiveness of a balanced set against both magical and physical enemies, showcasing the resilience and adaptability provided by this approach.

The article then transitions to an attack set, illustrating faster damage output at the cost of reduced defense. The player faces enemies relying solely on the attack set, emphasizing the importance of strategic gameplay and positioning.

Build Flexibility and Player Choice:

Ravendawn Online thrives on player diversity. While the guide outlines two primary paths, it encourages players to experiment, adapt, and choose their preferred playstyle. Whether you opt for a balanced approach or a more aggressive stance, the key is to enjoy the journey and find what works best for you.


In the vast and enchanting world of Ravendawn Online, the choices you make regarding equipment and builds shape your adventure. The balance between defense and offense, the understanding of set bonuses, and the strategic allocation of attributes are the keys to unlocking your character's true potential. As you embark on your quest, may your decisions be as dynamic and engaging as the world that unfolds before you. Say goodbye to uncertainty, and embrace the power that lies within your hands. Until the next Ravendawn Online adventure, farewell, brave adventurer!

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